■ Noiz Utziko Dio Euria Egiteari (When The Rain Stops)
Noiz Utziko Dio Euria Egiteari
(When The Rain Stops)
Guillermo Ordás
Dec, 2021 / Basque Country
2071 da. Hamar urteko konfinamendu zorrotz baten ondoren, euria egiteari ekin zion, egun bakar batean ere gelditu gabe. Oso bestelako gizarte batean bizi gara orain eta gure helmugak birkokatzeko unea iritsi da. Euria egiteari utziko al dio norabidea aldatzen badugu?
Guillermo Ordás
Guillermo Ordás was born in 1999. When he was 8, his parents gave him a camera as a birthday present. That was the first contact he got with a camera. Suddenly, he saw himself making short videos and visual experiments. When his family bought an iPad in 2011, he started making iMovie trailers and short movies of anyone coming home, or every place he went to. After some years, he got into filmmaking. Since that day, he has been very involved in the visual world, taking part in different video and photography projects.
production Piszifaktoria Ideas Lab
puppet maker Piszifaktoria Ideas Lab
︎original screenplay Mikel Ayllon
︎music composer Igor Arzuaga